
FT Coronavirus Pulse Survey


Since late March, we have been conducting regular surveys of the FT’s reader panel to understand how the world’s business leaders perceive the crisis, the outlook for recovery and how they wish brands to communicate with them.

The research has received an outstanding response with each round garnering in the region of 600 completions. We therefore have a robust set of data and a sense of how views, at a regional and sectoral level, are developing over time.

The headline findings of the study, include:

  • 48% of respondents are optimistic about their company’s performance in 12-18 month’s time.
  • 70% now say they are confident in their company’s ability to navigate through the crisis; up from 65% in Wave 2.
  • 31% expect a ‘major change’ to their industry sector as a result of the pandemic.
  • Almost 9 out of 10 of respondents say it is extremely/very important to communicate with customers during the coronavirus crisis.

To request a presentation of this research, and to understand more about how the FT can help your brand to create impactful communications at this time, please complete this form and a member of our team will be in touch.

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